How to Hire Top-Performing Sales Reps in Landscaping

Learn science-backed methods and approaches to screening sales candidates + tools and tips for managing the sales hiring process.

Danielle Riha
June 29, 2023

Tired of wasting time & money hiring the wrong salesperson?

Hiring the wrong salesperson doubles your loss because:

  1. you’re paying them (to sell), and
  2. you're losing revenue (when they don’t sell)

Grow The Bench's Neal Glatt says that companies hire the wrong salespeople because they either screen for the wrong factors, or they don't respond to applicants quick enough. The solution to both is having a better understanding of exactly what makes salespeople successful in a given role.

In this webinar on-demand, Neal teaches his science-backed methods and approaches to growing your sales team with high performers.

Watch to leave the session with:

  • Tools and criteria for screening sales candidates
  • A sample checklist for assessing sales candidates
  • Tools to automate and accelerate the hiring process
  • The confidence to find the right salespeople, and the willingness to hire them FAST

If your growing company has a small sales team with no dedicated sales manager, Neal's tips will help you whip your screening and hiring process into shape so you can find those "perfect fit" crucial hires that will take your business to the next level.

How to Hire Top-Performing Sales Reps in Landscaping [WEBINAR]

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