Candidate Screening Software

Automate Your Applicant Screening Process

Manually reviewing resumes and screening candidates is a thing of the past. With Team Engine's applicant screening software, you can instantly filter resumes by keywords, commute time, experience, licenses, certifications, and even job-hopping history.

candidate screening software
Applicant screening via text message automation
automated applicant screening in Team Engine software

Efficiently Organize Applicant Resumes

Handling a large volume of resumes can feel overwhelming. Team Engine’s candidate screening software scans submitted applications, identifies missing information, and automatically follows up with candidates for clarification. All resumes, along with communication history, are organized in one place on the candidate’s profile within the software.

Centralize Employee Documents

Screening candidates involves managing documents like background checks, cover letters, and reference checks. Team Engine simplifies this by organizing all relevant documents and communication in one centralized employee directory, making it easy to retrieve and manage all in one place.

screenshot of an applicant profile in Team Engine with an interest confirmation text that was sent automatically to confirm that the applicant is actually interested in interviewing for the job
I don’t have time to make call after call to screen applicants, so it’s nice to be able to screen applicants via text, and then easily share those responses with hiring managers through the software.
Lara Beckemeier
Vice President of HR & Administration, landesign
An HR Generalist at her desk, happy because she's using Team Engine

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Boost Your Applicant Screening Process with Team Engine

Team Engine integrates seamlessly with your existing HRIS or recruiting platform to help you screen and select the right talent quickly... before your competitors can make them an offer. Streamline applicant screening to speed up your time-to-hire and improve the candidate experience.

To learn more about automating your application screening process, sign up for a Team Engine demo to try it risk-free. What you’ll get:

Job listings on top job boards

Employee referral portal

AI-powered, keyword-rich sourcing for each job listing

Automated application screening to pick best-fit talent

Texting & emailing with applicants

Language translation for incoming and outgoing messages

Full support from our customer success team

Team Engine Feature

Automated Candidate Screening Software

Reviewing resumes and cover letters to shortlist top candidates can be time-consuming. With Team Engine’s screening software, you can automate this process and quickly build a pool of qualified candidates. Our applicant tracking system (ATS) also allows you to confirm applicant interest automatically as part of the recruitment process, so you spend less time on unqualified or uninterested applicants.

Team Engine is your all-in-one recruitment partner, streamlining every step of the hiring process. From posting job openings and crafting the perfect job description to efficiently screening and evaluating candidates, our platform ensures you're always moving quickly and efficiently. With features like automated follow-ups, resume filtering, and a comprehensive employee directory, Team Engine reduces the time it takes to recruit and helps you focus on what matters most: hiring the right talent.

In addition to speeding up the applicant screening process, Team Engine improves the candidate experience by keeping communication consistent and timely. Whether you're looking for screening tools to assess qualifications or an automated way to gather and organize documents, Team Engine helps you identify the most qualified candidates and keeps the entire hiring process on track. With everything in one place, including detailed profiles of each applicant, you have complete visibility into every step, making it easier to make informed hiring decisions.

Our applicant screening software empowers your recruiters to focus on hiring the best talent while our automation handles repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing manual errors. By leveraging technology, you can ensure that you’re not just hiring fast—you’re hiring smart.

FAQs About Applicant Screening

What is candidate screening software?

Candidate screening software is a tool designed to streamline and automate the process of evaluating job applicants to identify those most qualified for a position. Instead of manually reviewing resumes, cover letters, and other application materials, candidate screening software uses algorithms and predefined criteria to filter and rank candidates based on specific qualifications, such as skills, experience, certifications, and even commute time.

This software can significantly reduce the time spent on the early stages of recruitment by quickly narrowing down a large applicant pool to a manageable list of top candidates. It can also flag incomplete applications or follow up with candidates for missing information, ensuring that all applicants meet the necessary requirements before moving on to the next stage.

By automating routine tasks like resume review and basic qualification checks, candidate screening software enables recruiters to focus their time and effort on interviewing and assessing candidates who are most likely to succeed in the role. Overall, it’s a valuable tool for any organization looking to improve hiring efficiency and quality.

What is the Screening Process in recruitment?

The screening process in recruitment, often referred to as "applicant screening" or "candidate screening", is an essential phase in the hiring process. It aids in determining the most suitable candidates out of the pool of applicants, ensuring that time and resources are effectively utilized for in-depth interviews and evaluation with only the most serious and qualified candidates.

First, HR professionals sort and review resumes and applications based on the specific skills, qualifications, and experience stipulated for the job position. This is typically the first barrier that reduces the number of prospective employees.

Second, applications that make it past this stage would then be screened through a phone call or a video interview to ascertain their interest in the job and to get a better understanding of their interpersonal and communication skills. Automated software is often utilized to screen applications faster and with increased accuracy. Applicant screening software can quickly compare candidates' resume information to the job requirements to determine their suitability.

Lastly, background checks and reference checks form the final phase of the candidate screening process. It ensures that applicants have no criminal history and verifies the authenticity of the information provided in their resume.

How do you effectively screen for the right candidate?

Screening for the right candidate involves a blend of automated tools and manual assessment to ensure a good fit for both the role and the company. The process typically begins with screening software or an applicant tracking system (ATS), which helps filter candidates based on basic qualifications such as relevant experience, skills, and education. This initial step narrows down a large pool of applicants to those who closely match the job description.

Following the automated screening, recruiters should conduct a manual review of the shortlisted candidates. This involves evaluating resumes and cover letters in greater detail to assess their compatibility with the role’s requirements, including cultural fit and alignment with the company's values. Interviews, whether phone or video, are crucial for gauging interpersonal skills, motivation, and genuine interest in the position.

Background checks and reference verifications are also essential to confirm the accuracy of the information provided and to identify any potential red flags. By combining the efficiency of screening tools with the thoroughness of manual assessments, companies can ensure that they are selecting candidates who not only meet the technical qualifications but are also a good fit for the organization’s culture and long-term goals.

Why is candidate screening important?

Screening applicants allows hiring managers to filter out candidates who do not meet the basic prerequisites of a job, ultimately saving a substantial amount of time and resources. Moreover, it can reveal potential red flags that aren't visible in resumes or job applications. For example, a candidate may have a mismatched skill set or show inconsistencies in their performance history.

Screening job applications goes even further in reducing the likelihood of a poor hire. Besides determining whether a candidate has the right qualifications for a job, it can also reveal if they'd fit into the company's work culture. Specific elements to consider during the screening process include the applicant's professional background, their skill sets, their attitude towards work, and their career aspirations. If these elements align with the role and the organization's culture, then you have potentially found a suitable candidate.

The job applicant screening process helps employers ensure a smooth and efficient hiring process. It eliminates the risk of investing in the wrong candidate, thereby saving the company from potential losses. Further, it aids in maintaining the integrity of the company's brand and business operations, as the chosen candidate will represent the organization's principles and ideals.

Candidate vs Applicant: What's the difference?

An applicant is an individual who has shown interest in and submitted an application for a job. However, being an applicant doesn't automatically deem an individual a candidate for the job opening.

In contrast, a candidate refers to a pre-selected individual who stands out amongst applicants, often shortlisted by recruiters based on qualifications and suitability for the open role. Candidates have essentially passed the preliminary screening posed to applicants and have advanced to the next phase, which may include interviews, additional tests, or other evaluative stages. Therefore, in the realm of employment, all candidates are applicants, but not vice versa.

What is ATS recruitment software?

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a type of recruitment software that helps companies manage the entire hiring process, from job posting to onboarding. An ATS serves as a central hub where recruiters can collect, organize, and track candidate information, such as resumes, applications, and interview notes. It allows companies to automate many aspects of recruiting, including resume screening, communication with candidates, and even interview scheduling.

One of the primary functions of an ATS is to filter candidates by keywords or qualifications, ensuring that only those who meet the job criteria are considered. Many ATS systems also integrate with job boards, making it easier to distribute job listings and attract a broad range of applicants.

In addition to improving efficiency, ATS recruitment software helps ensure compliance with employment laws by maintaining an organized and traceable record of the hiring process. It’s an essential tool for companies looking to streamline their recruitment process, reduce time-to-hire, and make data-driven decisions about candidate selection.

What are the best resume screening tools?

HireVue: Ideal for large corporations, HireVue leverages AI to analyze video interviews and assess soft skills. It provides predictive insights into a candidate’s potential performance, making it a strong choice for companies needing a sophisticated evaluation of interpersonal skills.

Jobvite: Jobvite stands out with its comprehensive applicant tracking system (ATS) that integrates multiple recruitment functions into one platform. It’s suited for medium to large organizations seeking a streamlined view of the entire hiring cycle.

Team Engine: Tailored for field workforces, Team Engine offers a suite of hiring tools, including automated resume screening and outreach. It helps employers respond quickly to new applicants and stay ahead of the competition.

Ideal: Known for its efficiency in handling high-volume applications, Ideal is perfect for industries with large numbers of resumes, such as retail and call centers. It ensures that no potential candidate is missed, even in high-pressure environments.

Workable: Workable provides a cost-effective, customizable solution for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Its features cater to businesses looking for an affordable yet flexible resume screening tool.

Breezy HR: Offering a visual and interactive interface, Breezy HR delivers a comprehensive view of the recruitment process. It’s well-suited for companies that value transparency and a user-friendly approach to hiring.