Key Steps to Successfully Implement New Technology

How to overcome challenges in implementing new technology by avoiding common obstacles, selecting the right vendors, and ensuring adoption by field employees.

Danielle Riha
September 18, 2024
Key Steps to Successfully Implement New Technology

Adopting new technology can be transformative, but its success hinges on careful planning and execution. From addressing the right problems to engaging key stakeholders, here's a guide to ensuring a smooth rollout and effective use of technology.

Choosing the Right Problem to Solve

When it comes to adopting technology, the first step isn’t choosing the software—it’s choosing the right problem to solve. With countless software solutions available, business owners and leadership teams need to focus on the areas that will have the most impact. As John Henne from Midwest Landscape Industries points out, it’s crucial to start by identifying bottlenecks in your current processes. "Once you have identified bottlenecks, you should think about how you can leverage technology to alleviate those pain points," he says.

Urture's Zech Strauser adds that innovation often enhances existing processes rather than creating new ones. "If the team’s system is not working well today without technology, that technology will not solve the problem," he notes, emphasizing the importance of improving established processes.

The key is understanding that technology is a tool, not a solution in itself. "Technology supports strategy," says Phil Harwood of Tamarisk Business Advisors, stressing that clarity in strategic direction will highlight the technology solutions that best align with your business goals.

Kelly Dowell - Keldo Digital

Before diving into software options, it's important to evaluate your processes. Judson Griggs of Harvest Landscape Business Consulting suggests mapping out a process flow chart, from initial contact to final invoicing. “Once you have identified the process, it becomes very apparent where the holes or roadblocks are,” he explains. This approach allows companies to pinpoint areas where technology can make a difference.

Willard Moore from Wilson-360 advocates for a structured approach using his GOALS method—Goal, Obstacles, Actions, Learning, Solutions. This framework brings clarity to the problem-solving process by documenting what’s been tried, what obstacles remain, and the best path forward.

Ultimately, as Kelly Dowell of Keldo Digital notes, the most urgent problems to solve are the ones costing your company money or clients. “Once you have an idea of how they can be solved, you can then go searching for the technology that will help you solve it better or faster.”

Evaluating Technology Vendors

When evaluating technology vendors, the key to ensuring a solution will work for your specific needs is asking the right questions during demos. It’s not just about the product—it’s about how the product fits into your unique business environment.

John Henne emphasizes the importance of understanding the vendor’s long-term commitment. “I would want to know how much they are investing in their technology and if their customer base is growing.” Knowing that the vendor is continuously evolving ensures the software will keep up with your business as it grows. Jim Miles, CEO of Verified First, agrees. "Ask about their product roadmap and who they partner with,” he advises.

Phil Harwood suggests a direct approach: “Will you introduce me to an existing customer who had the same needs as we do so we can hear directly from them?” This allows you to learn from real-world experiences and gauge how the solution has worked for similar businesses.

Asking about the vendor’s track record with your specific problem is crucial. “Give me case studies or examples that worked,” says Kelly Dowell. Understanding how the technology has solved challenges like yours can give you confidence in its effectiveness.

JP Sanieski from Northeast Group recommends defining your business requirements clearly before diving into feature comparisons. "Focus on needs over features," he suggests. "Create a comprehensive list of your current system's accomplishments and use that as your evaluation framework." 

Katie Magoon from People Solutions Center recommends focusing on integration and support: "Lead with questions like, ‘Do you have an Open API?’ and ‘What does your client onboarding process include?’” This ensures the software will work seamlessly with your existing systems and that you'll have the right support during and after implementation.

Finally, Mark Shanaberger from trueWeather underscores the importance of testimonials. “A lack of testimonials can be a significant red flag,” he says. "Satisfied customers are a company’s strongest endorsement." 

Key Indicators for Choosing Scalable Technology Solutions

To ensure that a technology solution can scale with your business, there are several key indicators to consider. A scalable solution is crucial as it ensures your technology can grow alongside your business without becoming a bottleneck.

First and foremost, look for cloud-based infrastructure. In today’s remote work environment, it’s essential that any technology solution supports cloud operations. John Henne emphasizes, “In today's work environment it is critical that you are using cloud-based systems.” This not only supports remote work but also allows for seamless updates and integration with other systems.

Jim Miles - Verified First

Another important factor is modular design. A technology solution that offers modularity will allow you to add or remove features as needed, adapting to your changing needs. Levi Jett from Jett Facility Consultants highlights that a “modular design” combined with robust APIs can ensure easy integration with your current systems and support automatic scaling.

Understanding the cost structure is also vital. As your business grows, how will the costs evolve? Kelly Dowell advises to scrutinize whether costs increase per user or revenue and whether the solution's cost structure is scalable. This ensures that you’re not facing unexpected financial strains as you expand.

Evaluating the vendor’s roadmap and update frequency can provide insights into their commitment to innovation and growth. Katie Magoon says, “The most important factor is the timing of their upgrades and the frequency of release updates.” A vendor with a clear and regular update schedule is likely to stay relevant and continue to meet evolving needs.

Mark Shanaberger agrees, and believes that vendors who offer customized solutions and regularly introduce new features signal a commitment to addressing evolving needs. “It means that the vendor understands a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work.”

Integration with other systems and a strong partner ecosystem are also crucial. According to Jim Miles, a technology solution should have a broad and expanding partner ecosystem. If a vendor is not frequently updating its integrations or forming new partnerships, it may signal a lack of strategic planning or scalability issues.

Finally, consider the vendor’s customer base and case studies. Phil Harwood recommends examining the types of companies that primarily use the vendor’s solutions and asking to speak with companies of similar size and industry. This can provide real-world insights into how well the solution scales in practice.

Implementing Technology: Best Practices for Success

Niwar Namsim - Nasim Landscape

Before diving into new solutions, it's crucial to master the technology you already have. As John Henne advises, "Be really strong with the existing tech you have in place before adding more." Adding new tools to a cluttered tech stack can lead to chaos and inefficiency if the current systems are not fully utilized.

A strategic approach is essential for successful technology implementation. Niwar Nasim from Nasim Landscape recommends focusing on one solution at a time to avoid overwhelming your team. "You can properly implement, create standard operating procedures, and ensure the team is using the system to its fullest capacity" before considering new additions. This step-by-step approach ensures that each technology is fully integrated and utilized effectively.

Involving key users in the selection process is also vital. Willard Moore emphasizes the importance of including Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from each department. This ensures that the technology aligns with real-world obstacles and needs. Ross Friedman from ServiceAdvantEdge LLC highlights the necessity of appointing a "technology champion" within your team. This individual should be dedicated to managing the implementation and maintaining strong communication with the vendor to address any issues that arise.

Effective implementation requires careful planning and a clear understanding of your current position. Jim Miles advises conducting an internal needs assessment before exploring external solutions. This helps you identify precise requirements and evaluate new technology against these needs, ensuring a better fit and more successful adoption.

Zech Strauser emphasizes the challenge of adoption, noting, "Adoption will always be harder than most people think." He advises leadership to be diligent in training and bringing their team up to proficiency, which is essential for successful implementation.

Ensuring Successful User Adoption Among Field Employees

Successfully rolling out new technology across an organization requires strategic planning and careful consideration. Key to this process is securing buy-in from the core management team. John Henne highlights that "how the key leaders react to the roll out of the software is going to dictate how well the software is adopted throughout the organization." Positive leadership and clear communication set the tone for the entire team and help mitigate any resistance.

Engaging field employees early in the selection and testing phases is also crucial. Levi Jett emphasizes, “Involve field employees early. Engage them in the selection and testing phases to gather their feedback.” This inclusion helps tailor the technology to their needs and fosters a sense of ownership, making adoption more likely.

Katie Magoon - People Solutions Center

The technology itself must be user-friendly and compatible with the devices field employees already use. Katie Magoon advises, “One of the key factors to adoption of technology with field employees is whether or not the software is mobile friendly.” Ensure that the software is intuitive and simple. As Niwar Nasim notes, “Field employees want to run, so software companies must understand and develop solutions that are simple.”

Training and ongoing support are essential for successful adoption. Harvest Landscape Business Consulting’s Steve Cesare suggests “decentralized decision making, field employee training, and on-site vendor presence” as strategies to ensure smooth implementation. Also, engaging Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) within your organization can help streamline the adoption process. Willard Moore says to “Rely on SMEs within your organization” because “the more decisions come from within, the easier adoption occurs.”

Finally, understanding and integrating the feedback of field employees is crucial for long-term success. JP Sanieski emphasizes that continuous involvement of field teams throughout the process ensures that the technology fits their needs, rather than imposing a top-down solution. "Ensure field teams have input, not just at the start but during the rollout and beyond," he suggests, which helps create a sense of ownership and increases the likelihood of sustained use.

Successfully implementing new technology requires a thoughtful approach that focuses on solving real business problems, involving key stakeholders, and choosing scalable solutions. By aligning technology with your business strategy and making sure it fits into existing workflows, you set yourself up for success. As John Henne wisely puts it, "The most important thing is not just adopting new technology, but adopting the right technology for your needs."

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