How Trust, Clarity, and Conflict Fuel Employee Engagement

Discover how building trust, providing role clarity, and encouraging productive conflict are key to driving real employee engagement beyond workplace perks.

Katie Magoon
September 6, 2024
How Trust, Clarity, and Conflict Fuel Employee Engagement

Employee engagement isn't just about throwing parties and planning picnics!  It’s based on three fundamental concepts: building trust, providing role clarity, and encouraging productive conflict. 

Building Trust

Trust is the foundation upon which strong relationships and effective teamwork are built. Employees need to trust their leaders and colleagues to have confidence in the organization's direction and decisions. Trust is nurtured through transparent communication, consistency in actions, and demonstrating genuine care for employees' well-being. When trust is established, employees feel empowered to voice their opinions, take risks, and contribute wholeheartedly to the organization's success.  When trust is compromised, team members become hesitant to voice concerns openly, resort to gossip, and may shirk accountability for their actions.

Here are two examples of best practices to building trust across an organization:

  • Understanding personal styles – Team development sessions leveraging tools like Everything DiSC® help leaders and team members understand differences in communication styles.  With this knowledge comes self-awareness and the ability to adapt our styles to one another.  In addition, understanding another’s style makes it easier to lead with an assumption of good intent.
  • Sharing personal experiences – When we have a better understanding of our individual experiences, it is easier to understand one another’s perspective.  Spending time sharing personal experiences requires us to be vulnerable and helps build trust.  One excellent exercise comes from Patrick Lencionni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team.  In this activity, each team member shares the answers to these three questions:
  • Where were you born and what do you consider to be your hometown?
  • How many siblings do you have and what order do you fall in the family?
  • Share a story from your childhood that impacts who you are today?

Providing Role Clarity

Clarity regarding roles and responsibilities is essential for ensuring that employees understand what is expected of them and how their contributions contribute to the organization's goals. When employees have a clear understanding of their roles, they are more motivated, productive, and committed to achieving success. Ambiguity breeds confusion and can lead to frustration and disengagement.

Here are two key HR tools that bring role clarity to teams:

Job descriptions

Great job descriptions provide team members with clarity in their roles and the prioritization of those responsibilities.

R.A.C.I. charts

R.A.C.I. charts define which roles are Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed for tasks within the organization.  These discussions and documents help team members understand how roles work together to accomplish the goals of the organization. 

Encouraging Productive Conflict

Conflict, when managed constructively, can be a catalyst for innovation and growth. It's essential to create a culture where healthy debate and differing viewpoints are welcomed rather than suppressed. Encouraging productive conflict means providing a safe space for employees to express their opinions, challenge assumptions, and explore alternative solutions. When organizations fail to engage in constructive conflict, they foster a culture of complacency and stagnation, where innovative ideas are stifled, and growth opportunities are missed.

Two examples of tools that help support healthy conflict include:

  • Aligning the team on acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in conflict 
  • Implementing meeting best practices to proactively facilitate healthy conflict

In the end, true employee engagement goes far beyond surface-level perks like parties and picnics. It's about fostering an environment built on trust, where employees understand their roles and feel empowered to voice their opinions through healthy, productive conflict. By focusing on these core elements—trust, role clarity, and constructive debate—organizations can create a culture where employees are motivated, innovative, and deeply connected to the company’s success.

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