Prevent Workers From Heat Exhaustion

When employees are conducting outdoor work in warm temperatures, the risk of heat exhaustion is high. Keep them safe with regular reminders on warm weather protocol and alerts.


How you might currently be doing this

  • Discussing warm weather warnings at the morning huddle
  • Providing coolers of iced drinks
  • Providing protective gear
  • Displaying posters or signs with heat safety tips and hydration reminders in common areas, such as break rooms or near job sites
  • Scheduling work around peak heat
  • Mandatory cooling breaks
  • A buddy system where workers look out for each other and report any signs of heat-related illness immediately

Why Use Team Engine Instead

Consistency: Team Engine users can schedule messages to send on a regular basis (e.g. daily or weekly) so they never forget to send a reminder to stay cool.

Timeliness: 95% of text messages are read and responded to within 3 minutes after being received, which means no one will miss the announcement to go home.

How you can use Team Engine to do this

  1. Sync your employee directory with your HRIS or payroll platform, OR upload an up-to-date CSV with all employees.
  2. Organize your employees by group e.g. by shift, location or function.
  3. Compose one message to remind workers to protect themselves, or alert them of an early closing due to extreme heat. (See sample text provided in the copy-and-paste box.)
  4. Send to the appropriate employee group(s) all at once.

Early Dismissal Due to High Temps

⚠️ High Temperature Alert ⚠️ We are suspending operations for the day beginning at TIME due to dangerously high temperatures. Please use the afternoon to rest and recover from today and be ready to resume work at your regular starting time tomorrow!




How you can use Team Engine to do this

  1. Sync your employee directory with your HRIS or payroll platform, OR upload an up-to-date CSV with all employees.
  2. Organize your employees by group e.g. by shift, location or function.
  3. Compose one message to remind workers to protect themselves, or alert them of an early closing due to extreme heat. (See sample text provided in the copy-and-paste box.)
  4. Send to the appropriate employee group(s) all at once.

Early Dismissal Due to High Temps

⚠️ High Temperature Alert ⚠️ We are suspending operations for the day beginning at TIME due to dangerously high temperatures. Please use the afternoon to rest and recover from today and be ready to resume work at your regular starting time tomorrow!




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