Remove Language Barriers in Hiring Qualified Candidates

Employers sometimes miss out on hiring qualified candidates due to language differences that hinder communication. Even when hiring from a multilingual pool, the translation process can create delays and misunderstandings, often resulting in lost details and added workload.

How you might currently be doing this

  • Using bilingual supervisors or team members to interpret
  • Providing translated job applications and onboarding materials
  • Relying on Google Translate or other translation apps
  • Offering language training programs for employees
  • Posting bilingual job advertisements
  • Using third-party translation services for interviews or paperwork
  • Conducting interviews with a translator present
  • Hiring from specific communities with shared language skills

How to do this more effectively: Translate messages directly and automatically within your messaging platform.

Why Use Team Engine Instead

Instant Communication Across Languages: Ensure that messages are delivered in the employee’s preferred language, reducing misunderstandings and delays in the hiring process.

Fast & Easy Hiring Experience: With communication in their native language, candidates can navigate application & hiring steps more confidently and without additional support.

Reduce the Burden on Staff: Eliminate the need for manual translation or relying on bilingual team members.

Accurate Record-Keeping: All translated communication is stored in one place, creating a reliable, searchable record for HR and hiring teams.

How you can use Team Engine to do this

To translate an incoming message:

  1. Open any message thread in your inbox
  2. Click the “Translate” button on the message you’d like to translate
  3. Read the message in English
  4. Respond as needed (see below)

To translate an outgoing message:

  1. Open the message thread
  2. Type your message
  3. Click the “Translate” button
  4. Select the language to be translated into
  5. Send or schedule your message

To set employee language preferences:

→ Related Reading: 5 Tools to Bridge the Language Gap with Spanish-Speaking Employees




How you can use Team Engine to do this

To translate an incoming message:

  1. Open any message thread in your inbox
  2. Click the “Translate” button on the message you’d like to translate
  3. Read the message in English
  4. Respond as needed (see below)

To translate an outgoing message:

  1. Open the message thread
  2. Type your message
  3. Click the “Translate” button
  4. Select the language to be translated into
  5. Send or schedule your message

To set employee language preferences:

→ Related Reading: 5 Tools to Bridge the Language Gap with Spanish-Speaking Employees




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